Hi Guys!
I always get asked about my liner (I'm crazy about it!) so I've created an eyeliner pictorial to show you how I apply my liner.
When they say "practice makes perfect" it 100% applies here! You've just got to play around with it, trial and error baby!
Products used:
Inglot Gel Liner in #77
Mac Brush in #209
Maybelline Clean Express Makeup remover
Cotton Swab with pointed end
I always prefer to use gel liner because the consistency makes it easier to achieve various styles (yes there is style in liner too ^_^). Gel liner also dries super matte and I love that.
Steps 1-4 are labeled on the above picture:
1) Dip your brush (any fine tip brush) into the gel.
2) Starting at the end of your eye, create a horizontal V shape. This will be the wing.
3) Start in the inner corner of your eye & draw a line all the way to the wing.
4) Connect the line and shade in the V section. Pick up more product as necessary. I usually go over once more when I am done.
5) Clean up any mistakes with an eye makeup remover. A pointed q-tip allows greater control for precise cleanup
HATE when people apply a bunch of liner with no mascara! Its the biggest makeup crime ever! At least in my opinion hehe
Mascara often masks any imperfection in the liner so pleaseeeeee don't forget mascara, after all what's the point without it?!
and tadaaaa, you're done!
Easy a'int it ;)
Try it out!
the same way i apply my liner! thx Maryam for the lovely tutorial :)